In an extremely long bibliography it can be quite annoying to have the same author with a somewhat different name in each entry, especially if the publications appear as a list under the name of the author. On the other hand we need the correct data as they appear on the publications.

So I want an optional field, let's call it fullauthor, where I simply add up all information from the single entries. For my working bibliography I want to be able to set fullauthor = true as option to biblatex, else I will do nothing, in which case the fullauthor-field is just ignored.

% -*- mode: latex; TeX-engine: luatex; coding: utf-8; -*-
\setmainfont{TeX GyrePagella X}
\setsansfont{TeX Gyre Heros}
\setmonofont{TeX Gyre Cursor}[Ligatures=TeX]

  author =   {{The Dude}},
  sortname =     {Dude},
  gender =   {sm},
  % fullauthor =     {Lebowski \mkbibbrackets{Slakyech}, \RN{2}
  %                 \mkbibparens{\mkbibquote{The Dude}},
  %                 Jeff\mkbibbrackets{rey} \mkbibbrackets{Robert}},
  sortname =     {Lebowski, Jeffrey},
  title =    {Making White Russian Even Better},
  journaltitle = {Slackers Quarterly},
  year =     1973,
  volume =   3,
  number =   2,
  pages =    {7-32}

  author =   {Lebowski, \RN{2}, Jeffrey R\mkbibbrackets{obert}},
  gender =   {sm},
  % fullauthor =     {Lebowski \mkbibbrackets{Slakyech}, \RN{2}
  %                 \mkbibparens{\mkbibquote{The Dude}},
  %                 Jeff\mkbibbrackets{rey} \mkbibbrackets{Robert}},
  title =    {On Not Writing Anything at All},
  type =     {phdthesis},
  institution =  {University of Los Botellos},
  year =     1970,
  location =     {Los Angeles},
  pagetotal =    {1}

  author =   {Jeff Lebowski},
  gender =   {sm},
  % fullauthor =     {Lebowski \mkbibbrackets{Slakyech}, \RN{2}
  %                 \mkbibparens{\mkbibquote{The Dude}},
  %                 Jeff\mkbibbrackets{rey} \mkbibbrackets{Robert}},
  title =    {Leave me alone \mkbibbrackets{Letter to Maude
  date =     {1974-09-06},
  location =     {Los Angeles}

  • What exactly should happen if you set fullauthor=true? Is the field simply shown in the bibliography instead of the author? What about citations? What about the dashed option, etc. etc.?
    – moewe
    Commented Nov 12, 2017 at 14:08
  • Would sortname help? Commented Nov 12, 2017 at 14:10
  • Yes, it is to be used instead of author, the publications should appear as dashed list under the "fullauthor". I haven't thought about citations as in my case this is only for the bibliography, in the example above Lebowski or J. Lebowski would do it. Commented Nov 12, 2017 at 14:18
  • sortname doesn't help, as in 20 publications the author could still show up in 5 variants. Commented Nov 12, 2017 at 14:25
  • But of course you would want all citations with the same fullauthor to have the same citation label even though the author might differ?
    – moewe
    Commented Nov 12, 2017 at 14:26

1 Answer 1


I suggest you use a Sourcemapping. Give fullauthor for the full name in the bibliography and fullciteauthor for the name in citations. Then

      \step[fieldsource=fullauthor, final]
      \step[fieldset=author, origfieldval]
      \step[fieldsource=fullciteauthor, final]
      \step[fieldset=shortauthor, origfieldval]

together with

  author         = {{The Dude}},
  gender         = {sm},
  fullauthor     = {Lebowski \mkbibbrackets{Slakyech}, \RN{2}
                    \mkbibparens{\mkbibquote{The Dude}},
                    Jeff\mkbibbrackets{rey} \mkbibbrackets{Robert}},
  fullciteauthor = {Jeff Lebowski},                   
  title          = {Making White Russian Even Better},
  journaltitle   = {Slackers Quarterly},
  year           = 1973,
  volume         = 3,
  number         = 2,
  pages          = {7-32}

gives you what you want.

It would be much more complicated to make fullauthor a replacement of author in the biblatex level.

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