I am using TABLE to design map legend. Symbols should be middle-aligned. As said in the title, the metapost graphics used as symbols are not aligned in my TABLE environment (column 1 and 3), whereas text is aligned as it should be ("cas" in row 3).
pickup pencircle scaled 2 ;
path p ;
p:= unitsquare xscaled 30 yscaled 15 ;
draw p withcolor red ;
path p ;
p:= (10,0) -- (0,15) .. (10,30) .. (20,15) -- cycle ;
fill p withcolor red ;
\setupTABLE[column][2,4][width=0.42 \textwidth,align=lohi]
\bTR \bTH \eTH \bTH I. My first part\eTH \bTH \eTH \bTH II. My second part \eTH \eTR
\bTR \bTD \reuseMPgraphic{tourisme} \eTD \bTD forêts \eTD \bTD \reuseMPgraphic{tourisme} \eTD \bTD some very long text to make sure that alignment works as I want\eTD\eTR
\bTR \bTD \reuseMPgraphic{tourisme} \eTD \bTD some very long text to make sure that alignment works as I want \eTD \bTD cas \eTD \bTD a nice castle \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \reuseMPgraphic{ballon} \eTD \bTD montgolfière (tourisme vert) \eTD \eTR
%\bTR \bTD \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \eTD \eTR
just before your\reuseMPgraphic
is required. I still do not understand how do\vbox
work, even after reading TeX by Topics.