I am using titling
package and authblk
to manage multiple articles in a single file. Below is the code for example
% paper=a4paper, % Change to letterpaper for US letter
inner=1cm, % Inner margin
outer=2cm, % Outer margin
bindingoffset=1cm, % Binding offset
top=1cm, % Top margin
bottom=1cm, % Bottom margin
% showframe,% show how the type block is set on the page
% \raggedright
\text{Unique Id} & :& \@uniqueid \\
\text{Category} & : & \@category \\
\end{array} $
Received on : \@receivedon \\
Accepted on : \@acceptedon
\vskip 1.5em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \@title \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
%{\large \@date}%
\vskip 1.5em}
%%%%%%%---------First Article-------------
\title{First Article}
\author[]{Author A}
\affil[]{Affiliation of Author A}
\uniqueid {17ICLAA034} \category{Invited Speaker }
\receivedon{26.09.2017} \acceptedon{}
Abstract goes here...
%%%%%%%---------Second Article-------------
\title{Second Article}
\author[]{\underline{Author B}}
\affil[]{Affiliation of author B. }
\uniqueid {17ICLAA087} \category{Invited Speaker }
\receivedon{03.10.2017} \acceptedon{}
Abstract goes here...
What I want?
- Need to reset the authors list for each article.
- Have to remove the pagebreaks.
- Need to add the title and authors in the table of contents.
- Need to add the authors in the header.
Current output:
PS: The solution given in this question was not working for me.
Thanks in advance.
is an aged package with no updates for more than a decade. This doesn't mean it is deprecated or outdated, but perhaps there are alternatives? Besides that,openany
is no useful option forarticle
will reset the author list