What you've done is to first make a shape that in itself has a radius slightly larger than 1cm, then you put this shape in a rectangular box, and finally you put that box in a circular node
. Nodes have an inner sep
, a padding between the content and the border. As a result, the node you've put the shape in becomes larger than 2cm across. And as marmot rightly says, the minimum size
defines a lower bound for the node size, if the content of the node is larger, the node becomes larger. That said, you've set minimum size=4
, without a unit, and in this case the default unit is pt
, I believe.
Anyways, if you want the headphone symbol to fit within a circle of radius 1cm, reduce the size of it. You might consider using a pic
instead of a savebox though, see example below. Left is a savebox, right is a pic
The savebox is inherently rectangular, so even if you set the shape of the node containing it to circle
, the arrow still wouldn't reach the shape. You can circumvent that problem with a negative inner sep
though, try \node [inner sep=-8.5pt,circle] (C) at (-2,0) {\usebox\myheadphone};
\node[draw=none,fill=bakcolor,minimum size=2cm,circle] (-outline) at (0,0){};
\draw[draw=white,line width=\d,line cap=round] (-40:0.6) arc[start angle=-40,end angle=220,radius=0.6];
\filldraw[white,line width=\d,rounded corners=2pt] (-40:0.6) rectangle ++(-0.2,-0.35);
\filldraw[white,line width=\d,rounded corners=2pt] (220:0.6) rectangle ++(0.2,-0.35);
\draw[draw=none,fill={rgb,255:red,220; green,150; blue,100}] (0,0) circle (1);
\draw[draw=white,line width=\d,line cap=round] (-40:0.6) arc[start angle=-40,end angle=220,radius=0.6];
\filldraw[white,line width=\d,rounded corners=2pt] (-40:0.6) rectangle ++(-0.2,-0.35);
\filldraw[white,line width=\d,rounded corners=2pt] (220:0.6) rectangle ++(0.2,-0.35);
\draw[help lines,] (-2, -2) grid[step={(1,1)}] (2, 2);
\node[draw] (A) at (0,-2){A};
\path (A) ++(2,2) pic (B) {headphone};
\node [inner sep=0pt] (C) at (-2,0) {\usebox\myheadphone};
\draw[->] (A) -- (B-outline);
\draw[->] (A) -- (C);
Here is a scalable version, where the scale parameter can be added as an argument to the pic
, e.g. \pic {headphone=2};
to make it twice the size.
\node[draw=none,fill=bakcolor,minimum size=2cm*#1,circle] (-outline) at (0,0){};
\draw[draw=white,line width=\d*#1,line cap=round] (-40:0.6*#1) arc[start angle=-40,end angle=220,radius=0.6*#1];
\filldraw[white,line width=\d*#1,rounded corners=2pt] (-40:0.6*#1) rectangle ++(-0.2,-0.35*#1);
\filldraw[white,line width=\d*#1,rounded corners=2pt] (220:0.6*#1) rectangle ++(0.2,-0.35*#1);
\pic {headphone};
\pic at (3,0) {headphone=2};