We have seen in another question how to set the tick numbers on logarithmic axes in a sans serif font when the style is for 10^x numbering. Pgfplots offers additional options for numbering log ticks, specifically log ticks with fixed point
and the option to shift from exponents to fixed point selectively depending on the magnitude of the number \pgfmathprintnumber[std={-2:2}, precision=1]{...}
In the first instance, fixed point, the code below produces the following chart:
\begin{loglogaxis}[log ticks with fixed point,]
\addplot [domain=1:1000, ultra thick, color=blue] {x^1.5};
Question 1: how can we set these tick numbers in a sans serif font (\mathsf{..}
In the second instance, we desire to use the functionality of \pgfmathprintnumber[std={-2:2}, precision=1]{...}
to set the numbers beyond 100 in exponential format with the smaller numbers in fixed point, again in a sans font.
Question 2: How can we exploit std={x:y}
behavior on log axes using san serif fonts? The desired result might look like the image below (obtained in this case by editing the pdf file directly)
\pgfplotsset{every tick label/.append style={...}}
, see How do I change the font size of the axis tick labels in pgfplots?. Maybe helpful \mathsf{} prints digits in serif fontpgfplots
to call the sans math font that is currently loaded underunicode-math
(running LuaLaTex).