I found the method for visualizing two dimensional linear transformations here: Linear transformation Coordinates.
Is there a way to extend this to linear transformations in three dimensions? I imagine there is and that the extension is natural, but I am very unfamiliar with Tikz. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(Editing to make my question more specific) Is there an extension of the following linear transformation of the plane:
\draw [very thin,gray!40,dashed] (-2,-2) grid (2,2);
\draw [black!60] (-2,-2) grid (2,2);
\draw [thick,black,<->] (2.5,0) node [above] {$x$} -- (0,0) -- (0,2.5) node [right] {$y$};
to three dimensional space? Specifically, I want to be able to feed in a 3 by 3 matrix and see the transformation of the triangle and axes in the following code.
\draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0) node [at end, right] {$x$};
\draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) node [at end, left] {$y$};
\draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node [at end, left] {$z$};
\draw (1,0,0) -- (0,1,0) -- (0,0,1) -- (1,0,0);
I imagine there would be problems if the linear transformation took the triangle out of the first octant, but all matrices I am considering will map the triangle to a subset of itself, so hopefully it's not a problem.
If Tikz won't do it, does anyone know of some software out there for visualizing 3D linear transformations?