how to draw curved arrows of the form <=> instead of the form ->? enter image description here


\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}


\def\curvedarrow@style{shorten <=\CF@arrow@offset,shorten >=\CF@arrow@offset,}%
\chemfig{ % Benzene Center
   [:60]**6(------)} % Команда [:60] обозначает поворот молекулы на 60 град. Для ЦГ это незаметно. Однако baseline теперь внизу молекулы.
    \arrow(benz.north--ch.south){<=>[][][]}[90,2] % Линия к циклогексану
\chemfig{(*6(------))} % циклогексан
    \arrow(@benz.125--mch.305){<=>[][][]}[125,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к метилциклогексану
\chemfig{(*6(----(-)--))} % метилциклогексан
    \arrow(@benz.192--tol.east){<=>[][][]}[185,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к толуолу
\chemfig{(**6(-----(-)-))} % толуол
    \arrow(@benz.226--xy.10){<=>[][][]}[219,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к ксилолу
\chemfig{(**6((-)----(-)--))} % ксилол
    \arrow(@benz.255--eb.45){<=>[][][]}[248,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к этилбензолу
\chemfig{(**6((--[:150])------))} % этилбензол
    \arrow(@benz.285--hep.west){<=>[][][]}[285,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к гептану
\chemfig{(-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35])} % гептан
    \arrow(@benz.325--hex.west){<=>[][][]}[325,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к гексану
\chemfig{(-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35])} % гексан
    \arrow(@benz.355--ihex.175){<=>[][][]}[355,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к изогексану
\chemfig{(-[:-35](-[:270])-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35])} % изогексан
    \arrow(@benz.55--mcp.235){<=>[][][]}[55,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к МЦП
\chemfig{([:234]*5((-)-----))} % МЦП
    \arrow(@tol.90--mch.225){s>[+(90:2) and +(210:1)]}[60,2] % curved arrows
    \arrow(@ihex.90--mcp.330){s>[+(90:2.5) and +(330:1)]}[120,2.3]
    \arrow(@hep.240--eb.340){s>[+(240:1.2) and +(340:1.2)]}[195,2.6]

\caption{Пути образования бензола}


Ok, no one can help me during some months. I drawed the arrows. But I can't centered its on the scheme. And I don't know how to do center lines invisible.


\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}

\tikz{\draw (0,0) -- (170:4cm) arc (170:135:4cm) -- +(210:2mm);
\draw (0,0) -- (45:4cm) arc (45:5:4cm) -- +(83:2mm);
\draw (0,0) -- (280:4cm) arc (280:260:4cm) -- +(338:2mm);
\draw (0,0) -- (135:3.85cm) arc (135:170:3.85cm) -- +(53:2mm);
\draw (0,0) -- (5:3.85cm) arc (5:45:3.85cm) -- +(290:2mm);

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Using the macro definition of the <=> and -> arrows, you could create similar bent alternatives. Like this:


\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}


    \path[allow upside down](\CF@arrow@start@node)--(\CF@arrow@end@node)%
        node[pos=0,sloped,yshift= .866pt,xshift=-.5pt](\CF@arrow@start@node @u0){}%
        node[pos=0,sloped,yshift=-.866pt,xshift= .5pt](\CF@arrow@start@node @d0){}%
        node[pos=1,sloped,yshift= .866pt,xshift= .5pt](\CF@arrow@start@node @u1){}%
        node[pos=1,sloped,yshift=-.866pt,xshift=-.5pt](\CF@arrow@start@node @d1){};%
        \expandafter\draw\expandafter[\CF@arrow@current@style , bend left](\CF@arrow@start@node @u0) to (\CF@arrow@start@node @u1);%
        \expandafter\draw\expandafter[\CF@arrow@current@style , bend right](\CF@arrow@start@node @d1) to (\CF@arrow@start@node @d0);%
    \expandafter\draw\expandafter[\CF@arrow@current@style, bend left](\CF@arrow@start@node) to (\CF@arrow@end@node);%
\chemfig{ % Benzene Center
   [:60]**6(------)} % Команда [:60] обозначает поворот молекулы на 60 град. Для ЦГ это незаметно. Однако baseline теперь внизу молекулы.
    \arrow(benz.north--ch.south){<=>[][][]}[90,2] % Линия к циклогексану
\chemfig{(*6(------))} % циклогексан
    \arrow(@benz.125--mch.305){<=>[][][]}[125,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к метилциклогексану
\chemfig{(*6(----(-)--))} % метилциклогексан
    \arrow(@benz.192--tol.east){<=>[][][]}[185,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к толуолу
\chemfig{(**6(-----(-)-))} % толуол
    \arrow(@benz.226--xy.10){<=>[][][]}[219,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к ксилолу
\chemfig{(**6((-)----(-)--))} % ксилол
    \arrow(@benz.255--eb.45){<=>[][][]}[248,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к этилбензолу
\chemfig{(**6((--[:150])------))} % этилбензол
    \arrow(@benz.285--hep.west){<=>[][][]}[285,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к гептану
\chemfig{(-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35])} % гептан
    \arrow(@benz.325--hex.west){<=>[][][]}[325,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к гексану
\chemfig{(-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35])} % гексан
    \arrow(@benz.355--ihex.175){<=>[][][]}[355,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к изогексану
\chemfig{(-[:-35](-[:270])-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35])} % изогексан
    \arrow(@benz.55--mcp.235){<=>[][][]}[55,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к МЦП
\chemfig{([:234]*5((-)-----))} % МЦП
    \arrow(@tol.90--mch.225){<§>[][][]}[60,2] % curved arrows
    \arrow(@[email protected]){<§>[][][]}[120,2.3]

\caption{Пути образования бензола}


The double arrows are still not super accurate, but at least the curve of both arrows is the same. And then, using bend is easier then using curves with coordinates, I guess. The above code yields:

enter image description here

Edit: Edited the yshift and xshift, so that they fit the 30 degree angle of bend.

  • Thank you. It it very good. Please tell me, where I can find a manual for all that macro definitions? When I have used operators definearrow3{s>}{\CF@arrow@shift@nodes{#3} etc I did that by analogy with an internet example, but I don't understand that procedures.
    – EvgenyChem
    Commented Feb 2, 2018 at 7:24
  • Well, the definitions cannot be found in the manual. But you can look into the package file in your TeX distribution. There (around line 1989), the different arrows are defined. I just took the definitions from there and edited them according to your needs. More precisely, I took the definitions for the <=> and for the -> arrow and added the tikz options bend left and bend right. Commented Feb 2, 2018 at 7:31

I did it! It's not ideal, but I did it. it is a benzene formation scheme.


\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}


            \def\curvedarrow@style{shorten <=\CF@arrow@offset,shorten >=\CF@arrow@offset,}%
        \chemfig{ % Benzene Center
            [:60]**6(------)} % Команда [:60] обозначает поворот молекулы на 60 град. Для ЦГ это незаметно. Однако baseline теперь внизу молекулы.
        \arrow(benz.north--ch.south){<=>[][][]}[90,2] % Линия к циклогексану
        \chemfig{(*6(------))} % циклогексан
        \arrow(@benz.125--mch.305){<=>[][][]}[125,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к метилциклогексану
        \chemfig{(*6(----(-)--))} % метилциклогексан
        \arrow(@benz.192--tol.east){<=>[][][]}[185,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к толуолу
        \chemfig{(**6(-----(-)-))} % толуол
        \arrow(@benz.226--xy.10){<=>[][][]}[219,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к ксилолу
        \chemfig{(**6((-)----(-)--))} % ксилол
        \arrow(@benz.255--eb.45){<=>[][][]}[248,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к этилбензолу
        \chemfig{(**6((--[:150])------))} % этилбензол
        \arrow(@benz.285--hep.west){<=>[][][]}[285,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к гептану
        \chemfig{(-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35])} % гептан
        \arrow(@benz.325--hex.west){<=>[][][]}[325,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к гексану
        \chemfig{(-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35])} % гексан
        \arrow(@benz.355--ihex.175){<=>[][][]}[355,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к изогексану
        \chemfig{(-[:-35](-[:270])-[:35]-[:-35]-[:35])} % изогексан
        \arrow(@benz.55--mcp.235){<=>[][][]}[55,2,,,draw=none] % Линия к МЦП
        \chemfig{([:234]*5((-)-----))} % МЦП
        \arrow(@tol.90--mch.225){s>[+(90:2) and +(210:1)]}[60,2] % curved arrows
        %\arrow(@[email protected]){s>[+(245:1.7) and +(90:2.4)]}[60,2] % curved arrows
        \arrow(@[email protected]){s>[+(249:1.7) and +(86:2.5)]}[60,2] % curved arrows
        \arrow(@ihex.90--mcp.330){s>[+(90:2.4) and +(330:0.8)]}[120,2.3]
        \arrow(@[email protected]){s>[+(306:1.5) and +(86:2.5)]}[120,2.3]
        \arrow(@hep.240--eb.340){s>[+(240:1.2) and +(340:2)]}[195,2.6]
    \caption{Схематичное представление путей образования бензола в процессе каталитического риформинга}

enter image description here

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