I am currently trying to draw Fibonacci Flower with Tikz. Everything works fine for small values of \i but if I go higher than 45 the angle becomes too large for rotate (I had something like 6000 in mind for the maximal value :) ).
\foreach \i in {45,...,1}{
\draw[rotate={\i*360*(1-1/(0.5*(1+sqrt(5))))},fill=white] ({(sqrt(\i))},0) ellipse ({(sqrt(\i))} and {0.3*(sqrt(\i))});
My best fix so far is to use the \intcalcMod from the intcalc package but than I can use only integers as input hence the error becomes too large. Here is the best I could get so far (as you see the spirals vanish in the outer regions, I think this is due to the rounding error and should not happen if we use the exact angle):
Would appreciate any help for this fun project :)
Thanks to percusse here is the version with 10000 paddles. I counted 144 clockwise and 89 anticlockwise spirals (so consecutive Fibonacci numbers, as it should be). Math is so awesome :)
in the manual.