i would like to replicate this box from a french physics book. I've tried mdframed, tcolorbox, fancybox packages without success.
May someone help me please?
this is waht i've tried so far: with fancy box:
\usepackage[top=1.5cm, bottom=1.5cm, outer=6.5cm, inner=1.5cm, heightrounded, marginparwidth=4cm, marginparsep=0.5cm]{geometry}
\newcommand{\application}[2]{\boxput *(-.7 ,1){
\colorbox{white}{\bfseries{Application n°#1}}
\setlength {\fboxsep }{10pt}
\fbox {\begin{minipage}{17cm}
This box will contaain text and picture, and it would be nice if it brake at the en d of a page.
As you can see it only misses a thick horizontal line