I wanna draw two lines starting from the same origin to other two nodes. The code gives me two lines but the origin of the two lines are different.
\tikzstyle{monolithic} = [rectangle, thick,draw, fill=white!20, text width=10em,align=center , minimum height=1.5em]
\tikzstyle{decompose} = = [rectangle, thick,draw, fill=white!20, text width=5em,align=center , minimum height=1.5em]
\tikzstyle{elements} = = [rectangle, thick,draw, fill=white!20, text width=5em,align=center , minimum height=1.5em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [-stealth, thick, draw]
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse,fill=green!20, node distance=8cm, minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{blank} = [node distance=0cm]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
% Place nodes
\node [monolithic] (mono) {Structure-Electric Interaction};
\node [blank, below =of mono] (blank_node) {};
\node [decompose, below =of mono, node distance=2cm, yshift=0.2cm,xshift=-2.50cm] (left) {Structural field};
\node [decompose, below = of mono,node distance=2cm, yshift=0.2cm,xshift=2.50cm] (right) {Electrical field};
\path [line] (mono)--(left);
\path [line] (mono)--(right);
%\path [line] (blank_node)--(left);
%\path [line] (blank_node)--(right);
\caption{Nonlinear dynamic piezoelectric analysis: Approach 1 and Approach 2} \label{field_decomposition}