I am using Lyx and the forest package to create a very complicated tree. I've just finished it and it's good but when I generate the pdf, the result is too small. I need a code to enlarge the tree (the line between 95184 M and 1234 56789 (Murbacensis)(*) is not visible too, probably cause of the small dimensions). Could anyone help me? Thank you in advance :)



GP1[, fit=rectangle
[[14, edge=dashed, name=m[214936\\(Treuirensis)\\({*}), edge=dashed,        name=g[[21493\\S F, calign=first][21493[, fit=rectangle[23\\C[, phantom              [2367\\$\varphi$, name=d]]]][2149\\L]]]]]]
[[2367, edge=dashed, fit=rectangle, name=p[3\\(Gyr.)\\({*}{*}),      edge=dashed][23678, fit=band, name=a[23+678, name=o[1234+678, name=l[1234     56789\\(Murbacensis) ({*}), fit=rectangle, name=h[95184\\M]]]]]]]
[[8, edge=dashed, fit=band, name=b]]
[[95, edge=dashed, fit=band, name=f[67849\\G, name=i][95,   edge=dashed[95, edge=dashed,  fit=band[6785\\B, edge=dashed][95\\F P\\(D   R), edge=dashed[, phantom [8\\(Frag. Cuaiac.)\\({*}), fit=band,    name=c]]]]]]
 \draw[dashed,-] (b) to [out=180, in=400] (a);
 \draw[dashed,-] (a) to [out=south east, in=north west] (c);
 \draw[-] (a) to [out=200, in=350] (d);
 \draw[dashed,-] (f) to [out=150, in=400] (g);
 \draw[dashed,-] (f) to [out=south west, in=east] (h);
 \draw[dashed,-] (i) to [out=west, in=east] (l);
 \draw[dashed,-] (m) to [out=south east, in=west] (l);
 \draw[dashed,-] (g) to [out=south east, in=south west] (o);

  • 1
    see, if helps the following: \begin{forest} GP1, for tree={ l sep=7mm, s sep=5mm }, ... \end{forest}.
    – Zarko
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 0:47
  • I tried but it doesn't work
    – Andrea
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 7:30

1 Answer 1


probably i misunderstand what you like to achieve. with use of addition mentioned in my comment above i obtain the following picture of tree:

enter image description here

in comparison to picture obtained with your code the distances between nodes are increased. is this what you looking for?

difference to your code is:


    for tree={ 
    l sep=7mm, % set minimal level distance between nodes
    s sep=5mm  % set minimal sibling distance between nodes
[, fit=rectangle
... <the rest of your code> ...
% \end{sidewaysfigure}

i not use sidewaysfigure environment since i estimate that image orientation doesn't limit the picture size.

  • Ah ok! You were right! Thank you, now the lines are more visible and it is clearer. The other problem is that I would like to adapt the tree to the page because when I generate the pdf the tree is small compared to the page. Thank you in advance :)
    – Andrea
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 13:24
  • 1
    @Andrea, if you find answer useful, please vote it, or even accept it :-). since you didn't gave any information about page layout, i can't suggest you the appropriate sizes of l sep and s sep. you should increase them accordingly by trial. and in final paper don't forget remove showframe option at package geometry (if you use it).
    – Zarko
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 13:33

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