I am stuck in a very weird problem. When I just write a line $I_E(0)$ in the attached IEEE template, I get an empty PDF. If I remove this line, I get perfect compile and PDF output.
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}% optional T1 font encoding
\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
\title{Bare Demo of IEEEtran.cls for\\ IEEE Communications Society Journals}
and~Jane~Doe,~\IEEEmembership{Life~Fellow,~IEEE}% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{M. Shell was with the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
GA, 30332 USA e-mail: (see http://www.michaelshell.org/contact.html).}% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{J. Doe and J. Doe are with Anonymous University.}% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{Manuscript received April 19, 2005; revised August 26, 2015.}}
\markboth{Journal of \LaTeX\ Class Files,~Vol.~14, No.~8, August~2015}%
{Shell \MakeLowercase{\textit{et al.}}: Bare Demo of IEEEtran.cls for IEEE Communications Society Journals}
The abstract goes here.
Communications Society, IEEE, IEEEtran, journal, \LaTeX, paper, template.
PS: I have removed the unnecessary comments from the original file available at: IEEE Template
while your MWE works fine if I uselatex+dvips+ps2pdf