I am using the following code:
\DisableLigatures[f]{encoding = T1}
\addto\captionsbritish{% Replace "english" with the language you use
{Table of contents}%
{\scshape\LARGE Titlepage \par}
This is an introduction.
\chapter{One a}
This is the first chapter.
\chapter{Two a}
This is the second chapter.
If I now write a document, I can begin a \chapter
within the document wherever I like. The captions of the chapters after the table of contents are all writen in Computer Modern Roman bold. The captions for chapters in the table of contents – not, for example, for sections! – are written in Latin Modern Roman bold.
Why is that?
I would like to fix that so that everything is written in a Computer Modern Roman style. Expecially the bold a
looks different in both fonts.