I want to really put an emphasis on some central piece of text I'm using in a Beamer slide. I'm using tikz and overlay to put it, enlarged, on the center of the page, using the following code:

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \node[at=(current page.center)] {
    \scalebox{2}{\Huge\texttt{{This is important!}}}

Can I add a drop shadow to the letter themselves, so they would look even more emphasized? Is there some other decoration that can be added to the text itself, like a glow, etc.? Or does PGF ignores node text altogether? The text should be in typewriter style, so using special fancy fonts is probably not the solution.

3 Answers 3


This is a terrible hack, and doesn't really fit your situation exactly, but I'm new to TeX and TikZ. Just an idea to get the ball rolling.


    \node[black!30!white] at (#1+0.1,#2-0.1) {
    \node at (#1,#2) {

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]   
    \importantstuff{4}{0}{This is important!}

enter image description here

Edit: Marc van Dongen correctly pointed out I should use font-dependent offsets. And since I was fiddling with the code anyway, I tried blurring the shadow, hillbilly style.

    % Blur
    \foreach \x in {-0.1,0.1} {
        \foreach \y in {-0.1,0.1} {         
            \node[black!20!white] at (#1em+\xoffset em+\x em,#2em+\yoffset em+\y em) {

    % Main Shadow
    \node[black!40!white] at (#1em+0.3em,#2em-0.2em) {
    \node at (#1em,#2em) {

enter image description here

  • Looks pretty good to me. Commented Jan 12, 2012 at 10:22
  • @Andrew Stacey Thanks, but I thought there may be a possibility to do something like \node[important] {This is important}. Also, I don't really know how to deal with current page.center.
    – Psirus
    Commented Jan 12, 2012 at 12:32
  • It's a hack, but it works. You can deal with current page by using the positioning library instead of at absolute positioning. Commented Jan 12, 2012 at 12:34
  • 1
    @Psirus Oh, it can always be packaged in a simpler way, (just wait until Ryan Reich turns up - then you'll see some pgfkeys magic), but functionally it would be the same as this. Commented Jan 12, 2012 at 13:00
  • @Psirus You code the offset in terms of centimetres. It would be nice if you did this in a unit that is defined in terms of the type size, e.g., em or ex. That way the shading will also look good when the type size changes.
    – user10274
    Commented Jan 12, 2012 at 15:12

@Psirus Your solution isn't what I had in mind. The following automatically picks up the current type size. In your solution the node is always \Huge. It's entirely based on your ideas, but I think it's a bit better to work with if you want different type sizes.



    \draw[every node/.style={scale=2}]
         (#1,#2)            coordinate (text destination)
      ++ (0.125em,-0.125em) coordinate (shadow destination)
         % Blur
         \foreach \x in {-0.025,0.025} {
             \foreach \y in {-0.025,0.025} {
                +(\x em,\y em) node[black!20!white] {\texttt{#3}}
        % Main Shadow
        (shadow destination) node[black!40!white] {\texttt{#3}}
        (text destination)   node {\texttt{#3}};

   \foreach \offset/\size in {0/Huge,1/small,2/normalsize} {
       \importantstuff{0}{\offset}{This is important}
  • Yes, I was half-aware of that :-) But I really didn’t know how to implement it. Thanks for showing it.
    – Psirus
    Commented Jan 12, 2012 at 16:57

If you really want to emphasize your letters, you could try to produce paths out of the glyphs in your text. Either by converting the text to a path in a tool like inkscape. Or you ask Andrew Stacey for his TikZ-path version of the STIX fonts.

Then you can use pgf-blur to add a pretty shadow:

letters with blurred drop shadow

But there's no way this will work directly with text typeset by TeX.

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