I am a bit confused about the behavior of TikZ fadings. Here is my MWE
\begin{scope}[transform canvas={rotate=#2},#1]
\shade [gray,path fading=south] (-40:1) -- (-40:1.2) arc (-40:40:1.2 and 1.2) --
(40:1.2) --(40:1.3) --
(45:1.1) -- (40:0.9) -- (40:1) arc (40:-40:1 and 1);
\begin{scope}[transform canvas={rotate=#2},#1]
\shade [gray,path fading=north] (40:1) -- (40:1.2) arc (40:-40:1.2 and 1.2) --
(-40:1.2) --(-40:1.3) --
(-45:1.1) -- (-40:0.9) -- (-40:1) arc (-40:40:1 and 1);
\tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.south)]{\FadingQuarterArrowOne[scale=2]{0}}
\tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.south)]{\FadingQuarterArrowTwo[scale=2]{0}}
The left arrow is as I expect it to be, it fades away towards the "southern" direction. However, the second arrow, which is just the reverse of the first one, fades away towards the outer regions. I'd like to understand why that happens, and how to fix this.