Consider the following quiver plot with a singularity:

Is there a way to omit arrows if there length is larger than a given threshold?

Not that I am not asking for a colormap or something like that.




    \addplot3+ [samples=15,->,black,%restrict u to domain=0:10, 
      u={x/(x^2 + y^2)},
      v={y/(x^2 + y^2)},
      scale arrows=0.3,   
    ] {0};

3 Answers 3


You can just add a filter.


    \addplot3+ [samples=15,->,black,%restrict u to domain=0:10, 
      u={x/(x^2 + y^2)},
      v={y/(x^2 + y^2)},
      scale arrows=0.3,   
    x filter/.expression={x*x+y*y<0.2? nan:x},
    ] {0};

enter image description here


I could not get your code running, but using this answer I may have come closer to a solution. The singularity is at x=y=0, and you can cut it of by hand by replacing x^2+y^2 by max(x^2+y^2,0.5).


% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/34010/121799
\begin{axis}[domain=-2:2, view={0}{90}]
\addplot3[blue, quiver={u={x/(\length)}, v={y/(\length)}, scale arrows=0.3}, -stealth,samples=20] {0};


Notice also that you might get nicer results if you switch to polar coordinates, in which u=cos(phi)/r and v=sin(phi)/r.


One can hack into pgfplots' quiver handler and normalize the vector.





    % the arrow components are computed here
    \pgfplotsifcurplotthreedim{% 3d?
    %%% we add our code that checks arrow length
        % rescale if necessary

        \pgfmathparse{\vecnormsq > \normmax}
            \message{too long!!}
    %%% end of our addendum
    \pgfplotsaxisparsecoordinate % nonsense
    \pgfplotsaxispreparecoordinate % nonsense
        % update limit ≈ update the bounding box
        % the arrow are being shifted; too late to rescale
        \pgfplotsifcurplotthreedim{% 3d?
        % update limit ≈ update the bounding box
    \pgfplotsaxisdatapointsurveyed % nonsense

        \addplot3+[samples=15,->,black,%restrict u to domain=0:10,
            u={  2*y / (x^2+y^2)},
            v={ -2*x / (x^2+y^2)},
            scale arrows=1,

  • Is it also possible to omit the too large vectors instead normalizing them?
    – student
    Commented Mar 29, 2020 at 21:29
  • Perhaps set both u and v to zero or nan.
    – Symbol 1
    Commented Mar 29, 2020 at 22:44

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