Consider the following code from egreg:


  \vrule width 0pt height 2\fontdimen22
  \scriptscriptfont\fi\fi\fi 2





As can be seen, the long arrow is composed of line segment and shorter arrow.

How do I "fix" this so that there isn't a dent in the arrow?

  • 1
    the default overlap is \DeclareRobustCommand\joinrel{\mathrel{\mkern-3mu}} you could redefine it to be -4mu and have more overlap and a slightly shorter arrow or use a font that has long arrows that don't need building up like: → ⟶ Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 18:56
  • 1
    The code for the strut has nothing to do with this. Try with just \longrightarrow, but it's only a question of font hinting.
    – egreg
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 21:09

2 Answers 2


The \longrightarrow is defined as


You can correct the flaw mentioned above for example by this:


Note that the problem has nothing in common with the code mentioned in your question. The code only adds the invisible strut (depending on the math style).


You can add a small negative space using the \! macro. Inserting it before #2 seems to fix the issue:


  \vrule width 0pt height 2\fontdimen22
  \scriptscriptfont\fi\fi\fi 2

  • This cannot help because \! is inserted between strut and \longrightarrow. But the problem is in \longrightarrow.
    – wipet
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 19:55

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