I am trying to achieve same thing as in this question, but with longtable environment. Table itself is centered.
Using caption package and
makes caption aligned to the left, but the caption sticks past the left edge of the table.
And I can't just add margin=
or something, because my tables are not of the same width.
Is there a way to correct this, or maybe an alternative to longtable?
Example document:
\caption{This label isn't where I want it}\label{tab:test}\\ \hline
Name & Description & Example\\
\caption*{Table \ref{tab:test} (continued)}\\\hline
Something A & here's supposed to be some text & some text here \\ \hline
Something B & description of B & something more about B\\ \hline
Something C & describe C here & some example involving C \\ \hline
Something D & dfjashdfkjha sdflhasdkf hfsadf asdf & dsjkdlaskd ksjdla jdlkasj \\ \hline
Caption is aligned like this:
This is how I want it to look:
with packageltablex
? It brings the functionalities oflongtable
to tabularx.