Is it possible to create a footer with 3 rows. I have already asked some people but i could not understand because i am a beginner. My knowledge regarding latex is low. Sorry. This code is just a part of a huge code. For my document i have to use following parts:
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,titlepage,bibtotoc]{scrreprt} and \usepackage[automark,plainheadsepline,headsepline,footsepline,plainfootsepline]{scrpage2}
I hope for this packages there is a solution.
\ifoot[Datei:\\\jobname.pdf]{Datei:\\\jobname.pdf \\ helllooo}
\ofoot[\pagemark~ / \hspace*{0.1mm} \pageref{LastPage}]{\pagemark~ / \hspace*{0.1mm} \pageref{LastPage}}
Above you can see an example (Word 2007 Screenshot).