look for the ".65" and change at will.
The code is basically just copied from that package and changed in these few lines there.
\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small]
% args:
% #1: begin angle
% #2: end angle
% #3: number
% #4: label
% #5: explode
% #6: fill color
% #7: radius
% #8: center
\path (#8) -- ++({\pgfpie@midangle}:{#5}) coordinate (pgfpie@O);
% slice
\draw[line join=round,fill={#6},\pgfpie@style] (pgfpie@O) -- ++({#1}:{#7}) arc ({#1}:{#2}:{#7}) -- cycle;
\pgfmathparse{(max(\pgfmathresult,-0.5) + 0.8)*(#7)}
% label and number together
\path (pgfpie@O) -- ++({\pgfpie@midangle}:{\pgfpie@innerpos}) node[align=center]
% label
\path (pgfpie@O) -- ++ ({\pgfpie@midangle}:{\pgfpie@radius})
node[inner sep=0, \pgfpie@text={\pgfpie@midangle:#4}]{};
% number
\path (pgfpie@O) -- ++({\pgfpie@midangle}:{\pgfpie@innerpos}) node
\pie[style={lines}, text=legend, rotate=220]{58/SHI, 5/General government, 13/Private households (OOP), 4/Employers, 9/PHI, 2/Statutory accident insurance, 1/Statutory Pension insurance, 8/Social long-term care insurance};