Allow me to elaborate: I have a square matrix that by padding zeros to the right columns, became non-square. I want to use one zero to represent the zero submatrix to ideally achieve this:
Instead what I got is this:
For the moment I faked it by replacing a \ddot
with two dots in consecutive rows hence achieving odd number of rows:
Needless to say I don't like my hack.
Any advice?
\bm{\Sigma} =
\bm{\sigma}_1 & & & & 0 \\
& \bm{\sigma}_2 & & & 0\\
& & \ddots & & 0 \\
& & & \bm{\sigma}_m & 0
\bm{\Sigma} =
\bm{\sigma}_1 & & & & & \\
& \bm{\sigma}_2 & & & & \\
& & . & & & 0 \\
& & & . & & \\
& & & & \bm{\sigma}_m &