There are times, where I would like to repeat a theorem, for instance, if the proof goes into the appendix. In this case, I would like the two theorems to have the same number, without influencing the counter. Is there any simple way to achieve this?

What I am basically after is this:

This is theorem 1
\subsection{Proof of theorem 1}
To prove this theorem we need another theorem:
This is another theorem
This is theorem 1
The proof of this theorem follows theorem 2...

But without the hassle of manually having to keep track of how far the counter has come.

  • You can create a nonnumbered theorem enviroment and then you use it with optional argument and \ref to the original theorem number.
    – Sigur
    Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 14:52
  • What do you mean by an optional argument? if it is begin{thm}[Theorem \ref{thm:theorem1}], then will only put the correct number in parenthesis. Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 14:58
  • not a duplicate, but perhaps helpful: How do you reprint a theorem, proposition, etc. in its entirety? Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 15:31

1 Answer 1


How's this? I define an environment {repeatthm} which takes a mandatory argument which should be the label of the theorem being repeated. The repeat theorem labels itself Theorem \ref{#1}. (So if the reference is undefined it will appear as Theorem ??.)



This is thm 1

This is theorem 2
\subsection{Proof of thm 1}
To prove this theorem we need another theorem:
This is another theorem.

This is theorem 2 again.
The proof of this theorem follows thm 2...

This is a repeated theorem with an incorrect label.
  • Even better than the linked solution! Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 15:33
  • Note that the link @barbarabeeton gave has this answer: tex.stackexchange.com/a/348869/23866 which does what I did but with handling for multiple different theorem environments. Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 15:35

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