I have a difficulty inserting a matrix equation in my document. Here is photo of the matrix:
Any idea of how to insert this. Do I have to use tiKz for this ?
Thanks in advance
Just for fun: something which reproduces your screenshot rather closely.
\newcommand{\tikznode}[2]{\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base)]{\node(#1)[inner sep=0pt]{#2};}}
\tikznode{11}{\strut} & & 0\\
& & \\
\boldsymbol{L}_x^{(p)} & & \tikznode{33}{\strut}\\[0.2cm]
\tikznode{41}{\strut}~~ & & \tikznode{43}{\strut}\\
& \boldsymbol{X}^{(p)}_c &\\[0.2cm]
\tikznode{61}{\strut}~~ & & \tikznode{63}{\strut}\\
& & \boldsymbol{U}_x^{(p)}\\
0 & & \tikznode{83}{\strut}
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{\draw[dashed](11.north)--(33.south east);
\draw[-](41.north west)--(43.north east);
\draw[-](61.north west)--(63.north east);
\draw[dashed](61.west)--(83.south east);}
As Bernard mentioned, there are several different ways of producing similar things.
To make Mico a bit happier, here is a more artistic version:
\newcommand{\tikznode}[2]{\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base)]{\node(#1)[inner sep=0pt]{#2};}}
\tikznode{11}{\strut} & & \tikznode{13}{\strut}\\
& \tikznode{22}{\strut} & \\
~~\boldsymbol{L}_x^{(p)} & & \tikznode{33}{\strut}\\[0.2cm]
\tikznode{41}{\strut}~~ & & \tikznode{43}{\strut}\\
& \boldsymbol{X}^{(p)}_c &\\[0.2cm]
\tikznode{61}{\strut}~~ & & \tikznode{63}{\strut}\\
& \tikznode{72}{\strut} & \boldsymbol{U}_x^{(p)}~~\\
\tikznode{81}{\strut} & & \tikznode{83}{\strut}
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{\draw[dashed](11.north)--(33.south east);
\draw[-](41.north west)--(43.north east);
\draw[-](61.north west)--(63.north east);
\draw[dashed](61.west)--(83.south east);
\node at ($(13)!0.2!(22)$) {\Large0};
\node at ($(81)!0.2!(72)$) {\Large0};
, though, seems to be placed a bit too far to the left, and \boldsymbol{U}_x^{(p)}
seems to be placed a bit too far to the right. Is is straightforward to adjust their horizontal alignments?
. If you can accept dotted lines, you even do not need any of these.