I am trying to find (without success) a way to change the orange color of the progress bar indicator in the beamer metropolis theme. Are you aware of the command that I should use for this purpose?
The default colour used for the progress bar is
\setbeamercolor{progress bar}{%
use=alerted text,
fg=alerted text.fg,
bg=alerted text.fg!50!black!30
The fg
value defines the already presented part, the bg
value the part to come.
\usetheme[progressbar=frametitle]{moloch}% modern fork of the metropolis theme
\setbeamercolor{progress bar}{fg=green,bg=blue}
\setlength{\moloch@progressinheadfoot@linewidth}{4pt} % just for better visibility
In your preamble you can change the color with the command
\setbeamercolor{progress bar}{ ... }
See the documentation in chapter 3.2