I went through the FontPro install process and it seemed to have been successful. But now running the following in MiKTeX gives an error


  Hello World.

as follows:

(./MinionPro.sty (./MinionPro-FontDef.sty (./otfontdef.sty
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Mn@scale 

l.99 \Mn@calc@bsize{\Mn@s@capt}{8.5}

The MiKTeX Package Manager lists the existing minion2newtx package and the mnsymbol font but nothing from the install process! OTOH, fc-list shows, as expected, the four Adobe Reader files MinionPro-Regular.pfb: Minion Pro:style=Regular
MinionPro-It.pfb: Minion Pro:style=Italic
MinionPro-BoldIt.pfb: Minion Pro:style=Bold Italic MinionPro-Bold.pfb: Minion Pro:style=Bold

and the same files in my $TEXMFLOCAL directory.

Has there been an error in the Windows 10 install process and, if so how to fix it?

  • Your log shows texlive files. So why MiKTeX In the question? Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 14:08
  • The actual error came from LuaLaTex (same for pdfLaTeX). Perhaps wrongly, I thought that MiKTeX, which is what I usually use, would see the installed font.
    – DLyons
    Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 14:18
  • Don't confuse tex engines and tex systems. Beside this: something is wrong in your local MinionPro.sty. fltpoint.tex and sty is already closed when you get the error. Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 14:26

1 Answer 1


As Ulrike pointed out, there was a problem with the MinionPro.sty file which didn't relate to fltpoint.tex. I've fixed that and will post a related question re finding the correct file version.

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