In fact, I have drawn an electric scheme using circuitikz package, but when I try to reduce the size of the circuit by using a scale of 0.5, the electric components stay in their size. Because I want to display two circuits one next to the other. Here is the code :

\begin{circuitikz}[scale=1.2][american voltages]

 (0,0) to [open,v>=${v}_{ds}$] (0,4) 
  to [short, *- ,i=${i}_{ds}$] (0.5,4)
  to [R, l=$R_s$] (2,4) 
  to [L, l=$X_s$] (4,4)
  to [european voltage source, l_=${\omega}_s {\phi}_{qs}$] (4.5,4)
  (4.5,4) to [short, -] (5,4)
  (5,4) to [L, l_=$X_m$] (5,0)

  (5,4) to [european voltage source, l_=${\omega}_r {\phi}_{qr}$] (6.5,4)
  to [L, l=$X_r$] (7.5,4)
  to [R, l=$R_r$] (9.8,4)
  to [short, -* ,i<=${i}_{dr}$] (10,4) 
  (10,0) to [open, v>=${v}_{dr}$] (10,4)
  (0,0) to [short, *-*] (10,0);

And here is the change in the figure below: enter image description here

  • Have you seen this: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/32156/…... Also if you don't care about the fontsize on the letters you can use these ways: tex.stackexchange.com/a/98142/120578
    – koleygr
    Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 21:13
  • 1
    scale=0.5,transform shape, but the text will be resized as well. Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 21:14
  • Thank you so very much guys it works well, please another thing if you look to the previous figure (the right one) the iqr arrow is not in the middle as the current iqs how can I make it in the middle ? And last thing I have tried to add an arrow on the top of omega_s{\phi}_{qs} but an error was displayed I have tried to follow the same way I did with the voltage vsq and vqr
    – twimo
    Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 21:25

1 Answer 1


see if this help:

\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5][american voltages]

addendum: however, i would redraw you image (on more consistent way, all in european style) as follows:

\usepackage[straightvoltages, european]{circuitikz}

    \begin{circuitikz}[ scale=0.5,          % i would rather scale 0.6, if possible
                        font=\footnotesize  % <-- smaller font
\ctikzset{bipoles/length=7mm}               % <-- smaller bipole elements
\draw   (0,0)   to [open,v>=$v_{ds}$] (0,4)
                to [short, *- ,i=$i_{ds}$] (0.5,4)
                to [R, l=$R_s$] (2,4)
                to [L, l=$X_s$] (3.5,4)
                to [V, l_=$\omega_s \phi_{qs}$] (5,4)
        (5,4)   to [short] (5.5,4)

        (5.25,4)to [L, l_=$X_m$, *-*] (5.25,0)

        (5.5,4) to [V, l_=$\omega_r \phi_{qr}$] (7,4)
                to [L, l=$X_r$] (8.5,4)
                to [R, l=$R_r$] (10,4)
                to [short, -* ,i<=$i_{dr}$] (10.5,4)
                to [open, v^<=$v_{dr}$] (10.5,0)
        (0,0)   to [short, *-*] (10.5,0);

enter image description here

  • 1
    Zarko please How can I adjust the idr arrow in the middle as ids ?
    – twimo
    Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 21:45
  • 1
    @twimo, you draw $_{ds} in short with lenght of 5mm (between (0,4) and (0.5,4)), however the length of short with $_{dr} is only 2mm (between (9.8,4) and (10,4). enlarge (10,4) to (10.3,4) and similarly bottom terminal from (10,0) to (10.3,0).
    – Zarko
    Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 21:54
  • 1
    @twimo, now i added complete code for your image. now you can accept it (by clicking on check mark at top left side of answer), of course if it solve your problem, or at least up-vote it (by clicking on up-pen at the top left side of answer) :-). on this way is here expressed "thank you" ...
    – Zarko
    Commented Feb 10, 2018 at 6:44

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