I am preparing a presentation in beamer. In addition to slides I will present, I want to include some extra slides for possible questions. For these extra slides, I would like to use sections and subsections, so I can navigate the complete document using bookmarks. However, I don't want these sections to appear in the TOC slide, but only on the bookmarks navigation pane of the pdf viewer. Any idea how I can do that?

For reference, I'm posting an image of how I would like the document to look like: enter image description here

3 Answers 3


As an alternative to the \appendix command from leandriis answer you could place your extra slides in a separate \part:





\section{more main}

\part{second part}


Thanks for your solutions leandriss and samcarter. Both of them work like a charm!

I also found another solution using the package bookmark, in case one would like to hide selected sections (anywhere in the document) from the TOC. Here is the code:


\frame{\frametitle{Table of contents}

\section{Main Section 1}
\frame{Main Section 1}

\section{Main Section 2}
\frame{Main Section 2}

\section{Main Section 3}
\frame{Main Section 3}

\bookmark[page=5]{Questions Section 1}
\section*{Questions Section 1}
\frame{Questions Section 1}

\bookmark[page=6]{Questions Section 2}
\section*{Questions Section 2}
\frame{Questions Section 2}


You could make use of the \appendix command as shown in the following MWE:

\section{First Section}
some text
\section{First Section in Appendix}
some additional text

Sections in the appendix are hidden from the table of contents but are listed in the pdf bookmarks.

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