I have two align environments in 2 minipages and I want them to be aligned at the very top. I am usually able to do it with 2 regular equations, but it doesn't work when I tried doing it on the two align environment, I end up getting a gap on the left minipage so it looks a bit off. Below is my code and output.
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, letterpaper]{article}
\f{dy}{dx} &= 1\cdot (2x-1)^2 + (x+3)\cdot 2 \cdot (2x-1) \cdot 2\\
&= (2x-1)^2 + 4(x+3)(2x-1)\\
&= (2x-1)[(2x-1)+4(x+3)]\\
&= (2x-1)(2x-1+4x+12)\\
&= (2x-1)(6x+11)
Thanks for any help!