I created my first minimal working example for this Problem, I'm kinda proud! Hopefully it's correct. (I had to use so many "blindocuments" to get a TOC with more than one page)
I have a problem with the geometry package. I use "twoside" for defining margins for printing. I chose extra obvious margins for this example.
If you uncomment the 3 lines in my code (and delete the geometry-stuff) latex has no hiccups and always keeps the margins correct for the whole document. If I use geometry (which I really want, as I don't want to be stuck with a4paper-margins, but want to increase the used space on each side) Latex has a Hiccup at the List of figures. (With Hiccup I mean, Latex has the same margins on the 2 following pages, which means from this point on alle the margins are on the wrong side)
In my real document the problem starts even earlier, with my TOC starting on a left page with margins from a right page and the List of Tables suddenly on the correct side... (left page with left margins)?
I would be grateful for either a hint on how to fix the geometry package behaviour. Or another method to increase the usable space of a page (mostly on the bottom, I really dislike, that there is so much white).
\documentclass[twoside, openany]{scrreprt}
%% Following line mixes up left/right Page at List of Tables
\geometry{twoside,bindingoffset=4cm, top=2.75cm,bottom=2.75cm,inner=3cm,outer=3cm}
%% Following 3 lines never mix up left/right pages, but I cannot increase the size of the page (if I don't do it, my Thesis will look too long)
%\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{2cm} %% Außenränder
%\setlength{\evensidemargin}{-2cm} %% Innenränder
\blindtext % This is supposed to be my abstract which HAS to appear before TOC
\listoftables % Here is where the error happens!
Just wanna say: I already noticed that the list of tables has an Arabic page number, even though it should have an roman one... I fixed that in my real document already by using following code just before the list of tables:
\setcounter{page}{7} %% corresponds to the length of TOC and LOF
option anyway as needed for other classes)\clearpage
before the\pagenumbering{arabic}
but hard to be sure.