I'm making a picture with pstricks and would like to plot points whose coordinates are fractions a/c, b/c, where a, b, and c run over certain ranges. I tried using \numexpr but it rounds down. I wouldn't use \dimexpr, as I assume that a dimension (ending with pt or suchlike) isn't welcome as a pstricks coordinate. I tried using pgf but I can't get the syntax to work:



Desired output (produced using TikZ, which works for this 5x5 example but runs out TeX's memory on the larger scales I want to use). Desired output

  • 3
    I forget the pstricks syntax but can't you use postscript arithmetic here \iA\space\iC\space div ? Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 15:38

3 Answers 3


            \psdot(!\iA\space \iC\space div \iB\space \iC\space div)




enter image description here


You forgot to invoke \pgfmathresult.



Just for curiosity, could you please also add your TikZ example? I am a bit surprised about the error you get.

UPDATE: I do not get any problems when doing this with TikZ, where the code is shorter, no packages are required and the compilation is more convenient (even though I really like PSTricks).

\foreach \iC in {1,...,15}{%
  \foreach \iA in {0,...,\iC}{%
   \foreach \iB in {0, ...,\iC}{%
      \draw[fill=black] ({\iA/\iC},{\iB/\iC}) circle (0.002);

A 15x15 example

  • May I ask why \pgfmathparse{...}\pgfmathresult cannot be put inside \pscircle, in particular as \pscircle*(\pgfmathparse{\iA/\iC}\pgfmathresult,\pgfmathparse{\iB/\iC}\pgfmathresult){0.02}, and you had to define \myx and \myy? I do not need \myx and \myy anywhere else.
    – Hotschke
    Commented Oct 13, 2018 at 8:38
  • @Hotschke Well, the parser may just not be OK with that.
    – user121799
    Commented Oct 13, 2018 at 8:56
  • Yes, I noticed that. However, it is not obvious to me why. I was hoping to get an answer here why the parser is not OK with it.
    – Hotschke
    Commented Oct 13, 2018 at 9:15
  • @Hotschke I can only guess. It may just not be OK with two macros at a position in which it only expects a number or macro. I have switched almost completely to TikZ and forgot much of what I knew about pstricks, but most likely I never understood how the parser works there anyway. Note, however, that in TikZ \draw[fill=black] (\pgfmathparse{\iA/\iC}\pgfmathresult,{\iB/\iC}) circle (0.002); does not work for that reason. There, of course, you can do \draw[fill=black] ({\iA/\iC},{\iB/\iC}) circle (0.002); and the problem does not arise in the first place.
    – user121799
    Commented Oct 13, 2018 at 9:21
  • I agree that this is an XY problem. In pstricks one naturally uses postscript to do calculations and in tikz \pgfmathparse is run anyway. Both are more compact and do not need \myx and \myy.
    – Hotschke
    Commented Oct 13, 2018 at 9:26

Also available in Metapost, here wrapped up in luamplib so compile with lualatex or work out how to adapt it for GMP, or plain MP.

enter image description here

I've added a bit of color too.

\usepackage{luatex85, luamplib}
    n = 25;
    for i = 1 upto n:
        for j = 0 upto i:
            for k = 0 upto i:
                fill fullcircle 
                     scaled 3 
                     shifted ((j/i, k/i) scaled (n*cm)) 
                     withcolor 3/4(j/i, k/i, i/n);

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