How would I cite the book as [GABC] instead of as [Gr+]?

    author  = "George D. Greenwade and A. Author and B. Buthor and C. Cuthor",
    title   = "The {C}omprehensive {T}ex {A}rchive {N}etwork",
    year    = "1993",
    journal = "TUGBoat",
    volume  = "14",
    number  = "3",
    pages   = "342--351"
% \labelelement{
%  \field[strwidth=2,strside=right]{year}
% }

1 Answer 1


maxnames does not control the alphabetic labels, you also want


    author  = "George D. Greenwade and A. Author and B. Buthor and C. Cuthor",
    title   = "The {C}omprehensive {T}ex {A}rchive {N}etwork",
    year    = "1993",
    journal = "TUGBoat",
    volume  = "14",
    number  = "3",
    pages   = "342--351"
% \labelelement{
%  \field[strwidth=2,strside=right]{year}
% }

enter image description here

  • Of course this will still give [Gre+] for works with more than 10 authors. It will also give [ABCDEFGHI] for works with 9 authors, so the label length gets out of hand.
    – moewe
    Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 13:04

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