How do I remove the space inserted prior to the theorem name? That is, the space to the left of the bracket. I want the bracket to align to the left.

For some reason I'm not able to understand the \newtheoremstyle command.



\noindent Here is a sentence with correct alignment
\begin{mydef}[This name is prefixed by a single space]
This is a definition 
\noindent Here

enter image description here

  • The answers hint at it, but this is caused because the expected form is \newtheorem{mydef}{Def.}[theorem] which leads to Def. (This name...). Leaving out Def. leaves the space.
    – Teepeemm
    Commented Feb 27, 2018 at 2:03

2 Answers 2


Normally there a hard coded space between the theorem name and the additional text. To remove this space, you could redefine the theorem begin template:



\setbeamertemplate{theorem begin}
    \ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else%\ <- Removed this space


\noindent Here is a sentence with correct alignment
\begin{mydef}[This name is prefixed by a single space]
This is a definition 
\noindent Here

enter image description here


A fix.. But wait for better answers before accept:

\def\tikzmark#1{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]\coordinate (#1);\end{tikzpicture}}
\newtheorem{mydef}{\hskip-0.375em}[theorem]% Here is the only change needed

 \tikzmark{A}Here is a sentence with correct alignment

\begin{mydef}[This name is prefixed by a single space]
This is a definition 
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
  \draw[red,-] ([yshift=1em]A)--(B);

enter image description here


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