I have a graph with some nodes, which I want to repeat over multiple drawings. The placement of the nodes should be the same for every drawings, but I want to vary which edges are drawn, and which nodes are actually shown or hidden.

Currently I have something like

        \node (a) at (0,0) {$æA$};
        \node (b) at (2.5,0) {$æB$};
        \node (c) at (1,-2) {$æC$};
        \node (d) at (2.2,-2.5) {$æD$};

repeated in the beginning of every drawing. But if I want to change the layout, I have to update this code everywhere.

Now I could write a macro for this case. But I'm interested, whether I could make this a style to apply to the drawing.

1 Answer 1


I found the following solution. It does not define the coordinates, which would also be useful, but it provides the position via a style.

First define the style that sets the positions using at:


And then for each figure:

  \node[a] (a) {A};
  \node[b] (b) {B};
  \node[c] (c) {C};
  \node[d] (d) {D};

If I want to hide a node, I change \node[a] (a) {}; to \coordinate[a] (a);.

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