I have one problem with multi-slides. as you see below, I define some columns and "onlyenv". I put some minipages in this columns for organizing them into my language package. This type of slides is good for me. But when I change the multi-slides in slides, the position of my minipage contents changes. While my contents in multi-slides are the same. How can it be solved? the MWE code is as below:
\definecolor{tuelightblue}{cmyk}{0.2, 0.15, 0.04, 0.0}
\definecolor{tueblue}{cmyk}{1.0, 0.93, 0.18, 0.05}
\definecolor{tuepurple}{cmyk}{0.14, 0.97, 0.51, 0.01}
\definecolor{babypink}{rgb}{0.96, 0.76, 0.76}
\tikzset{onslide/.code args={<#1>#2}{%
\only<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path
text here
\caption{reynolds 5000}
\caption{reynolds 10000}
text here
\caption{reynolds 5000}
\caption{reynolds 10000}
text here
\caption{reynolds 5000}
\caption{reynolds 10000}
\node[onslide=<1>{fill=tuepurple},onslide= <2->{fill=tuelightblue},circle,text width=0.5cm,align=center,inner sep=1pt,minimum size=1.3cm]{\footnotesize{text one}};
\node[onslide=<2>{fill=tuepurple},onslide= <1>{fill=tuelightblue},onslide=<3>{fill=tuelightblue},circle,text width=0.5cm,align=center,inner sep=1pt,minimum size=1.3cm] {\footnotesize{text two}};
\node[onslide=<3>{fill=tuepurple},onslide=<-2>{fill=tuelightblue},circle,text width=0.5cm,align=center,inner sep=1pt,minimum size=1.3cm]{\footnotesize{text three}};