I have downloaded the latex source of a monograph from arxiv. This includes the .bbl file they had to submit. However, if I make any changes myself and recompile, I generate a new empty .bbl file, since there is no .bib file included in the submission, causing me to lose all references.

How can I edit/build a latex a document and reuse an already creted .bbl file?

  • Try replacing the line \bibliography{file.bib} by the contents of the .bbl file. Commented Feb 26, 2018 at 18:49
  • Answer tested with bibtex. Compile once without the bbl file there (No bibliography file at all). then copy the bbl file in the folder of your main file and compile again twice. (All compilations with pdflatex... none with bibtex)
    – koleygr
    Commented Feb 26, 2018 at 18:55

1 Answer 1


bbl file is just a tex file containing latex code of the bibliography after creating this code via the usage of bibtex or biber etc according to our chosen style.

For example a minimal main file with bibtex usage could be:




The bibliography file is:


author={Just Me},
title={No needed},

Then we compile the file once with:

pdflatex main

Then once with:

bibtex main

This step creates a latex code file like shown below (bbl file):


Just Me.
\newblock No needed.
\newblock 2018.


and finally twice with:

pdflatex main

Steps like no bib file exist:

1) Now... lets move all the files except main.tex at a folder (to hide them foom pdflatex)... and run pdflatex main.

A pdf will be created with a [?] instead of citation.

2) Copy just main.bbl in the main.tex's folder and rerun pdflatex main twice.


enter image description here

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