I'm working on a project very similar to the one described in this question, only for various reasons I'm using ConTeXt rather than that poster's use of XeLaTeX.
I too am typesetting a text with verse/line numbers in the margin and am interested in combining them should there happen to be two that end up on the same line, dividing them with a slash or a comma or something like that.
The comments there allude to a possible solution in ConTeXt with the possible use of \EveryLine, but I have not yet been able to figure out how to implement a solution using that command - I think I'm a bit newer at various implementations of TeX than the previous questioner! Is there a reliable way to implement this in ConTeXt?
A very simple MWE:
\inmargin{1}Now we are engaged in a great civil war.
\inmargin{2}We are testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived
and so dedicated, can long endure.
\inmargin{3}We are met on a great battle-field of that war.
Results in:
I would like the 1 and 2 not to be overlapping, nor to be stacked like the \setupmargindata[stack=yes]
would get me, but rather to automatically combine those that would overlap to get something like "1,2"
that would look like:
I would appreciate any help...thank you!
option. It's a good idea to ask about this on the mailing list mailman.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context