I draw two circles and name their path inside a \foreach
loop. Trying to name intersections
of these two paths throws an error unless I name a third path.
\foreach \s in {+,-} {
\draw [name path={C\s}] (\s1,0) circle (1.5);}
\draw [name path=Ca] (0,1) circle (1.5); % <- comment line to see error
\path [name intersections={of=C- and C+}];
\draw [dashed] (intersection-1) -- (intersection-2);
Without the marked line commented, the error message reads:
Package tikz Error: I do not know the path named `C-'. Perhaps you misspelt it. ...\path [name intersections={of={C-} and C+}];
To me, this seems to be a bug. - Or am I doing something wrong?
\draw [name path global={C\s}] (\s1,0) circle (1.5);
. This works. But it also works when you put any path (you do not have to name it) before\path [name intersections={of=C- and C+}];
. Strange.name intersection
should consistently not work outside the loop.The code in the foreach loop is in a TeX group, so all definitions are local to this group.
If you place the uncommented line before the foreach, it does not work nether. That mean that there a something strange happens (bug ?).