I am trying to reproduce the examples in Metapost showed here but I am having this error:
! An expression can't begin with `]'. 0 ] l.12 vector e[] ,u[];
This is the code:
prologues:=3; % include all fonts
outputtemplate:="%j-%c.mps"; % output file will be file.mps
phi:=25; % latitude
lambda:=28; % longitude
Omega=35; % longitude of ascending node
incl=30; % inclination
omega=43; % longitude of periapsis in orbital plane
vector e[],u[];
e1=(1,0,0); % aries - vernal equinox
e2=(0,1,0); % e2=e x e1 - not used
e3=(0,0,1); % e3=e=ENP
Any ideas why is this happening?