I tried to nest tabulars in a longtable enviroment. The content of the tabulars is still at the bottom of each row.

    foo & bar & foofoo & barbar 
    & \mynewline
    Foo Bar & foo foo foo & \color{red} foo & bar \\
    \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Foo Bar}} \\
    \multicolumn{4}{l}{Bar: \textbf{Foo, Foo}} 
    & \includegraphics[height=38mm,keepaspectratio]{image} \mynewline \hline
    \begin{tabular}[t]{p{44mm-2\tabcolsep}p{44mm-2\tabcolsep}p{29mm-2\tabcolsep}p{36mm-2\tabcolsep}} \\ \hline

1 Answer 1


Your posted example doesn't run (private macros and more \begin than \end) If I fill out some missing pieces, it works as I expect with all the later entries aligning with the top row of the table in the first column.

\def\includegraphics[#1]#2{picture here}



    foo & bar & foofoo & barbar 
    & \mynewline

    Foo Bar & foo foo foo & \color{red} foo & bar \\
    \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Foo Bar}} \\
    \multicolumn{4}{l}{Bar: \textbf{Foo, Foo}} 
    & \includegraphics[height=38mm,keepaspectratio]{image} \mynewline \hline
    \begin{tabular}[t]{p{44mm-2\tabcolsep}p{44mm-2\tabcolsep}p{29mm-2\tabcolsep}p{36mm-2\tabcolsep}} \end{tabular}\\ \hline



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