I'm trying to create a local package repository to be used during installing miktex on a system not connected to the internet. I want to install miktex and load the packages I need in one command (or at least, do it completely unattended by user).

As a start I have a directory, C:\MyRepo\ containing these 3 files:

  1. miktex-zzdb1-2.9.tar.lzma
  2. miktex-zzdbb-2.9.tar.lzma
  3. floatrow.zip ( package file)

I go to run my installer as follows:

basic-miktex-2.9.6643-x64.exe --auto-install=yes --unattended --install-from-local-repository --local-package-repository=C:\MyRepo

When I run this, I get "The specified local repository does not exist". However, if I fully install miktex, and then in the package manager specify my local repo, it seems to accept it as a local repository.

Is there something I'm doing wrong on the command line args to specify the package repo, or perhaps something not quite right with my local repo directory contents?

  • Why do you want to specifiy it during installation of the basic installer? It doesn't look for an repository, it contains the packages. Commented Mar 30, 2018 at 17:49
  • I assumed I needed to a local repository during installation, considering it seems to provide that as a flag. Is there a post-installation command line option for adding packages offline? I don't understand "It doesn't look for an repository, it contains the packages. " Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 20:23
  • the basic installer is a self-contained installer. You can after the installation set the repository for following package installations. Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 20:29
  • 1
    Is there a way to set the local repository after installation, from command line? Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 1:36
  • Try mpm -help. I'm not quite sure if it still works. Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 7:17

1 Answer 1


These steps outline installing miktex itself, and then installing packages from a local repo. The local repo contains .tar.lzma files, as well as miktex-zzdb1-2.9.tar.lzma, miktex-zzdb2-2.9.tar.lzma and miktex-zzdb3-2.9.tar.lzma. Packages to install are described as a comma separated list.

$appInstaller points to the basic-miktex-2.9.6643-x64.exe. $miktexPackageInstaller points to mpm.exe, which is located in hte miktex program file directory after install.

# install miktex unattended, for all users (requires admin). uses cmd args shown from -h option
Start-Process -Wait "$appInstaller" -ArgumentList "--auto-install=yes --unattended --shared"

Start-Process -Wait "$miktexPackageInstaller" -argumentList "--admin --repository=$localPackageRepo --install=package1,package2,package3"

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