I am using arabtex package in a booktabs style table. I would like to highlight the initial, medial and final forms of the arabic letters with a color such as red or graying out the rest of the letters. I tried to use something like \RL{\textcolor{gray}.b\textcolor{black}a} but it does not work.
I appreciate any help.
\caption{The Arabic alphabet.}
Name & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Standing\\ Alone\end{tabular} & Final & Medial & Initial \\ \midrule
`alif& \RL{a} & \RL{.baa} & \RL{.baa.b} & \RL{a} \\
baa'& \RL{b} & \RL{tb} & \RL{tbt} & \RL{bt} \\
taa'& \RL{t} & \RL{.bt} &\RL{.bt.b} & \RL{t.b} \\
thaa'& \RL{_t} & \RL{.b_t} & \RL{.b_t.b} & \RL{_t.b} \\
jiim& \RL{^g}&\RL{.b^g}& \RL{.b^g.b} &\RL{^g.b} \\
Haa'& \RL{h}& \RL{.bh}& \RL{.bh.b}& \RL{h.b} \\
khaa'& \RL{_h} & \RL{.b_h} &\RL{.b_h.b} & \RL{_h.b} \\
daal& \RL{d}& \RL{.bd} & \RL{.bd.b} & \RL{d.b} \\
dhaal& \RL{_d}& \RL{.b_d} & \RL{.b_d.b} & \RL{_d.b} \\
raa'& \RL{r} &\RL{.br}& \RL{.br.b} &\RL{r.b} \\
zaay& \RL{z}&\RL{.bz}&\RL{.bz.b} & \RL{z.b} \\
siin& \RL{s}&\RL{.bs}& \RL{.bs.b} &\RL{s.b} \\
shiin& \RL{^s} & \RL{.b^s} & \RL{.b^s.b} &\RL{.b^s.b} \\
Saad& \RL{.s} & \RL{.b.s} & \RL{.b.s.b} & \RL{.s.b} \\
Daad& \RL{.d}& \RL{.b.d} & \RL{.b.d.b}&\RL{.d.b} \\
Taa'& \RL{.t} & \RL{.b.t} & \RL{.b.t.b} & \RL{.t.b} \\
Dhaa'& \RL{.z} & \RL{.b.z} & \RL{.b.z.b} & \RL{.z.b} \\
`ayn& \RL{`}& \RL{.b`}& \RL{.b`.b} & \RL{`.b} \\
ghayn&\RL{.g} & \RL{.b.g} & \RL{.b.g.b} & \RL{.g.b} \\
faa'&\RL{f} & \RL{.bf} & \RL{.bf.b} &\RL{f.b} \\
qaaf& \RL{q} & \RL{.bq} & \RL{.bq.b} & \RL{q.b} \\
kaaf& \RL{k} & \RL{.bk} & \RL{.bk.b} & \RL{k.b} \\
gaaf& \RL{g} & \RL{.bg} & \RL{.bg.b} & \RL{g.b} \\
laam& \RL{l} & \RL{.bl} & \RL{.bl.b} & \RL{l.b} \\
miim& \RL{m} & \RL{.bm} & \RL{.bm.b} & \RL{m.b} \\
nuun& \RL{n} & \RL{.bn} & \RL{.bn.b} &\RL{n.b} \\
haa'& \RL{h} & \RL{.bh}& \RL{.bh.b} & \RL{h.b} \\
waaw& \RL{w} & \RL{.bw}& \RL{.bw.b} & \RL{w.b} \\
yaa'& \RL{_A} & \RL{.b_A} & \RL{.b_A.b} & \RL{_A.b} \\ \bottomrule
even though the question is taggedxetex