I have typeset a book in English using memoir, which I find very nice for books. Now I have the Russian translation to the book and it is obviously in Cyrillic. I have tried using babel and different encodings to compile but the letters just show up as questions marks and it won't let me use Cyrillic letters. This is quite important as I would have to “translate” the entire book to Latin letters, which could also lead to many mistakes that I want to avoid. Can anyone help me?



возвращение евреев в Израиль из диаспоры (рассеяния). На иврите это слово означает «восхождение» и употребляется также при описании пути в Иерусалим, т.к. он расположен на возвышенности


I have an entire structure file for the margin specifications etc. that I won't include in this example. Not sure if this is enough though.

  • 1
    Welcome to TeX.SX! Did you try removing the call for OT2?
    – egreg
    Commented Apr 5, 2018 at 9:58

1 Answer 1


Don't load OT2, that's used for inputting Cyrillic via transliteration from Latin characters.

Rather load T2A (it's not really necessary, but it avoids an annoying warning).



возвращение евреев в Израиль из диаспоры (рассеяния).
На иврите это слово означает «восхождение» и употребляется
также при описании пути в Иерусалим, т.к. он расположен на возвышенности


enter image description here

  • Thank you! That works if I open a new tex file, but not in my original file. I copied the exact same specifications into the new file and it works fine, too. Can't really find the problem why it shows only question marks when I have the structural definitions in a separate file, it works for all other languages I have worked with. Thanks for your reply anyway, I'll just copy it into a new file and it should work with T2A :) Commented Apr 5, 2018 at 10:25
  • Interesting, for me the OPs MWE worked just fine with and without OT2.
    – daleif
    Commented Apr 5, 2018 at 10:31

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