It is always someone's birthday. I would like to use TikZ to draw a birthday cake. There are all sorts of cakes. What I would like is a cake that looks nice and tasty. Preferably a cake with lots of chocolate and vanilla custard. How can I draw this with TikZ?
Here is something to start with:
\newsavebox{\mycandle}% From
\shade[top color=yellow,bottom color=red] (0,0) .. controls (1,.15)
and (1,.3) .. (0,2.5) .. controls (-1,.3) and (-1,.15) .. (0,0);
\fill[red!70!blue] (.4,0) rectangle (-.4,-5);
\end{tikzpicture} }
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, shape aspect=.5]
\draw[fill=yellow!16] (0,-0.2) circle [x radius=1.59cm, y radius=0.29cm];
\node [cylinder,cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder end fill=yellow!6,
cylinder body fill=yellow!12, shape border rotate=90, minimum width=3cm, minimum
height=1.2cm, aspect=2.5, overlay, draw] {};
\foreach \candle in {(-0.32,1.05), (0.32,1.05), (1.2,0.9), (-1.2,0.9), (0.65,0.7), (-0.65,0.7)} \node at \candle {\usebox{\mycandle}};
Oh, and apparently someone already made a pink cake but without providing a recipe.
a birthday KX
as in LaTeX.