I have a bunch of text in an align environment which is overflowing to the margin. I would like to wrap it. Note I'm using a different document class than the one state below.




    e_i &= \varepsilon(d_i, y_i) + \lambda\frac{1}{2} \vert w \vert ^2\label{eq:regularisation} \\
    \textnormal{where:} & \nonumber \\
    \varepsilon(\cdot) &= \textnormal{cost function} \nonumber \\
    w &= \textnormal{weights matrix of connection from immediate right layer (towards output layer)} \nonumber 



Only solution I can think of is:

    w &= \textnormal{weights matrix of connection from immediate right} \nonumber \\
      &= \textnormal{layer (towards output layer)} \nonumber 

Was hoping for a better solution as I don't want to have to change this every time the length of sentence changes.

  • 1
    \parbox[t]{3cm}{weights of ....} Commented Apr 13, 2018 at 15:47

2 Answers 2


enter image description here




    e_i &= \varepsilon(d_i, y_i) + \lambda\frac{1}{2} \vert w \vert ^2\label{eq:regularisation} \\
    \textnormal{where:} & \nonumber \\
    \varepsilon(\cdot) &= \parbox[t]{5cm}{\raggedright cost function} \nonumber \\
    w &= \parbox[t]{5cm}{\raggedright weights matrix of connection from immediate right layer (towards output layer)} \nonumber 


You can use a tabular environment to have full control, and \shortintertext from mathtools:



    e_i &= \varepsilon(d_i, y_i) + \lambda\frac{1}{2} \vert w \vert ^2\label{eq:regularisation} \\
    \varepsilon(\cdot) &= \textnormal{cost function} \nonumber \\
    w &= \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}weights matrix of connection from immediate right layer\\ (towards output layer)\end{tabular} \nonumber


enter image description here

  • I like this solution because I don't have to guess the correct size needed for parbox. Thanks! What's the relevance of shortintertext? Why should I choose it over what I have i.e. using align?
    – user14492
    Commented Apr 18, 2018 at 19:49
  • 1
    It is aligned at the left margin, and the vertical spacing is shorter than with the standard \intertext.
    – Bernard
    Commented Apr 18, 2018 at 20:11

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