I'm having the following LaTeX code called test1b:



Bla bla ...

Using pdfLaTeX I can generate a PDF which claims that it is PDF/A-1b.

If I verify this PDF with Adobe Preflight it passes.

If I use veraPDF V1.10.6 to verify the PDF it fails and I get the following error:

enter image description here

See Rule 6.3.4-1. How can I solve this problem?


1 Answer 1


This has been a bug in veraPDF V1.10.6. This has been fixed in V1.11.19, see https://github.com/veraPDF/veraPDF-library/issues/957.

I confirm this has been an issue in PostScript font parser in the 1.10.6 release. It has been fixed in dev. Please check the latest dev version: http://software.verapdf.org/develop/1.11/verapdf-greenfield-1.11.19-installer.zip

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