I am trying to join the rows of table that contains parboxes and figures, but multirow doesn't seem to work. Could someone please help me? Below is a minimum working example. Thanks, Jorge.
UPDATE1: Note that I really need the extra vertical space above Fig. B (that's why I embed it in a \parbox).
UPDATE2: It seems the real problem is that \tabular or \multirow are unable to properly take into account the height of the tallest cell when it is defined by a \parbox. I have modified my example to show the problem.
This works:\\
blah & blah & \multirow{4}{*}{\fbox{Text}}\\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
This doesn't work:\\
blah & blah & \multirow{4}{*}{\fbox{\parbox[b][3cm][b]{1cm}{Text}}}\\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
% All separate rows
\noindent{}I want to join the rows in the last column of this table (keeping the bottom vertical alignment, so that the bottom of fig. B is now aligned with the "Some other text" line):\\
\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Some text}
& \parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{
Some text\\
Some text\\
Some text\\
% I embed Fig. B in a parbox to create the artificial space above it!
% (Also, why it's not aligned to the right, as specified in the tabular options?)
\small{Some other text} & &\\
% Attempt to join rows in right-most column:
\noindent{}Using \emph{multirow} doesn't seem work:\\
\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Some text}
& \parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{
Some text\\
Some text\\
Some text\\
& \multirow{2}{*}{
% I embed Fig. B in a parbox to create the artificial space above it!
% (Also, why it's not aligned to the right, as specified in the tabular options?)
\small{Some other text} & &\\
UPDATE: @Bernard proposed a workaround by tweaking the height of a neighboring cell (see below), which suited my particular need. The original problem (multirow cell height adjustment with \parbox elements) remains unsolved, though.
\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Some text}
& \parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{
Some text\\
Some text\\
Some text\\
\small{Some other text} & & \multirow{-8.4}{*}{\includegraphics[align=b,width=4cm,height=4cm]{example-image-B}}\\