I found this wave like image on Vecteezy:

enter image description here

I would like to create a similar watermark in colour using TikZ as an interesting pursuit. However, I am unsure on where to start. Any approach would be appreciated but I would favour updating the \tikzset to achieve this. The Tikx examples website do not contain an example for working with watermarks.

Any help would be appreciated.


2 Answers 2


Same method as @percusse, but with three families and opacity. In the original image we can see small variations of the line width, which are not easy to obtain in tikz (but if you really want them you can fill between a pair of close paths).

    \clip (1,-5) rectangle (11,1);
    \foreach \x in {0,0.05,...,2}{
      \draw (0,\x) .. controls (4-\x,-4-3*\x) and (11-2*\x,4-3*\x) .. (12,-5+3*\x);
      \draw (0,\x-1) .. controls (4-\x,\x-2) and (11-2*\x,-4-3*\x) .. (12,-3+3*\x);
      \draw (0,\x-3) .. controls (4-\x,\x-2) and (11-4*\x,-1-4*\x) .. (12,-5+3.5*\x);


  • Ha much better, will delete mine.
    – percusse
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 13:47
  • 1
    @percusse This makes me regret plagiarizing you:(
    – Kpym
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 13:50
  • Ahah, why? It is clearly better :)
    – percusse
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 13:50
  • @percusse The idea is the same, but I have spent more time on it ... so not very interesting !
    – Kpym
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 13:52
  • 1
    Excelent!, I add colors using [count=\n] and put in \draw[blue!\n!red!80], and it looks awesome, maybe you could add more colorfull presentation in your answer...
    – J Leon V.
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 14:07

Here's an adaptation of the answer from Kpym which adds variable line widths via the calligraphy TikZ library. (In actual fact, in devising this I discovered a bug in said library so this requires the latest version which is on github - download spath3.dtx and run tex spath3.dtx to generate the files).

% \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/427775/86}



\NewDocumentCommand \SPathSplit { m m m m }
  \spath_get:nnN {#2} {path} \l__tmpa_tl
  \spath_split_curve:nVNN {#1} \l__tmpa_tl \l__tmpb_tl \l__tmpc_tl
  \spath_clear_new:n {#3}
  \spath_clear_new:n {#4}
  \spath_put:nnV {#3} {path} \l__tmpb_tl
  \spath_put:nnV {#4} {path} \l__tmpc_tl

\tikzset{save as spath/.code={%
  restore spath/.code={%
  heavy line width=.8pt,
  light line width=.1pt,
  line cap=butt


\pen (0,0);
\clip (1,-5) rectangle (11,1);
\foreach[count=\n] \x in {0,0.05,...,2}{
  \tikzset{every path/.style={blue!\n!red!80},pen colour=blue!\n!red!80}
  \begin{scope}[opacity=.35,transparency group]
  \path[save spath=curve] (0,\x) .. controls (4-\x,-4-3*\x) and (11-2*\x,4-3*\x) .. (12,-5+3*\x);
  \draw[ultra thin, restore spath=first];
  \calligraphy[heavy, restore spath=middle];
  \draw[ultra thin, restore spath=last];

  \begin{scope}[opacity=.35,transparency group]
  \path[save spath=curve] (0,\x-1) .. controls (4-\x,\x-2) and (11-2*\x,-4-3*\x) .. (12,-3+3*\x);
  \draw[ultra thin, restore spath=first];
  \calligraphy[heavy, restore spath=middle];
  \draw[ultra thin, restore spath=last];

  \begin{scope}[opacity=.35,transparency group]
  \path[save spath=curve] (0,\x-3) .. controls (4-\x,\x-2) and (11-4*\x,-1-4*\x) .. (12,-5+3.5*\x);
  \draw[ultra thin, restore spath=first];
  \calligraphy[heavy, restore spath=middle];
  \draw[ultra thin, restore spath=last];


Using the spath3 package we split each curve and then using the calligraphy library we thicken one segment (tapering nicely, of course). The opacity key needed moving to the transparency groups because each path is no longer a single one but several spliced together and with just standard opacity, that becomes visible.

I've also added the colours as J Leon V suggested.


  • Very good. I like also your picture. +1.
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 19:49
  • You can probably vary the pen orientation and/or size (in a non linear way) to have not so regular thickened area?
    – Kpym
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 15:07
  • @Kpym Yes. Looking at the original then not every line gets the thickened part, so you could switch it off for some lines, or shift it for others. I just went for the simplest as a proof of concept. The bit which determines where the thickening part is the number given to \SPathSplit. Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 18:41
  • @LoopSpace where can I find how to use spath3 ? The documentation is written more like "code comments". Is it there some doc addressed to the final user that explains what we can do and how we can use this library (with examples) ?
    – Kpym
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 16:16
  • @Kpym Not really. I wrote it as a utility to help me with writing other packages. There are quite a few examples on this site. If you are serious about wanting to learn to use it, I'd be happy to help (and I could develop that into documentation). One option would be to start a chat room. Another would be to email me directly (texdoc tikzmark has my current email address). Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 17:34

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