I am not trying to make footnote citation. What I am doing is citing some unpublished correspondence in my thesis. I am publishing those in an appendix. So I want to add a footnote to the bibliography pointing the reader to the appendix if they are interested in the citation.

I am using biblatex with the following command:

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ieee]{biblatex}

The citation I want to add the footnote on looks like this in the bib file:

author={Keenan, Charles H.},
organization={Brookhaven National Laboratory Associated Universities Inc.},
howpublished={Private Correspondance with T. Cantwell},
title={Letter authorizing the sale of 100 tons of graphite to MIT.},

1 Answer 1


This solution does not add a footnote, but places the hint in the entry directly. It was not clear to me where the footnote should be attached to.

You use the command \includefullref{<entrykey>} in the appendix when you include a copy of the full source. Everything else happens automatically: If that command was called it creates a label full:<entrykey>, if such a label is defined the corresponding bibliography entry refers to that label.


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ieee]{biblatex}

  author       = {Keenan, Charles H.},
  organization = {Brookhaven National Laboratory Associated Universities Inc.},
  howpublished = {Private Correspondance with T. Cantwell},
  title        = {Letter authorizing the sale of 100 tons of graphite to MIT.},
  date         = {1955-04},


    {\printtext{see section~\ref{full:\thefield{entrykey}}
       on page~\pageref{full:\thefield{entrykey}}}}%



Full text here

enter image description here

  • Great this accomplishes what I want. Would it be possible to use a boolean or on the \ifcsunder{} command? I have about a half dozen of these letters I need to cite.
    – Micah
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 16:57
  • @Micah What would you use that boolean variable for? \includefullref is quite a convenient interface already, I think.
    – moewe
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 16:58
  • @Micah In fact the solution will automatically link to a \label{full:<entrykey>} if it exists. So if you don't want to use \includefullref you can do what it does manually.
    – moewe
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 17:12

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