This is like a short cut which saves from building symbols afresh from tikz circuit library
. If you do not mind using circuitikz
, there is a way you can use those symbols inside tikzpicture
\usepackage[siunitx]{circuitikz} %<------------
\draw (0,0) to[voltmeter] (2,0);
\draw (0,1) to[ammeter] (2,1);
\draw (3,0) node [ground] {};
\draw (0,2) to[american voltage source] (2,2);
\draw (4.2,0.5) to[sI=$a_1$] (4.2,2.3);
You may notice that here \begin{circuitikz}....\end{circuitikz}
is not used. But the circuitikz symbols are accessible through \usepackage{circuitikz}
. Hope this helps.