I have trouble defining a node on a path. If the path is described using points and the in/outgoing angle, the node is always at the beginning. If the path is described with control points, it works flawlessly.
In the code below you see that one path correctly has a node about midway, whereas for the second path the node will be placed at the start of the path.
\draw (0,0) .. controls (1,2) and (4,3) .. (5,5)
node [pos=0.5] (mid1) {};
\draw[fill] (mid1) circle (1pt);
\draw (0,0) to[out=90, in=-180] (5,5)
node [pos=0.5] (mid2) {};
\draw[fill] (mid2) circle (1pt);
I have a path constructed as in the second example, how can a place a node at a specific relative position (2/3 in, say)?
I am also interested why tikz treads the two paths so differently and why "node [pos= ]" works in one of the cases, but not the other.